Speaker/Moderator Engagements

September 9, 2019: RISE Executive Think Tank at the RISE West Summit Focus on Practical Innovation on Practical Innovation in Healthcare

May 17-18, 2019: Madison Memorial Leadership Retreat - Teton Springs Resort

February 11-12, 2019: Speaker, YJP CEO Healthcare Symposium - NY

“Innovation in Healthcare”

February 12-13, 2018: CEO Healthcare Symposium - NY

"The State of the Industry and Predictions for the Future"

May 1-2, 2018: CEO Healthcare Symposium - NY

"Precision Medicine and Its Influence on Clinicians/Payers"

September 20, 2018: Hospital Leaders Forum - NY

"State of the Industry, Future Trends and Leadership in Healthcare"

October 29-30, 2018: CEO International Conference - Tel Aviv, Israel

"Innovation: Staying Ahead of Your Competition"

November 13-14, 2018: Life Sciences and Pharmaceuticals Symposium - NY

"Precision Medicine" and "Cell Therapy"


December 3, 2015: Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Industry Advisory Board, Boise State University, Micron Business and Economics Building

“Healthcare in the Age of Disruption”

Mindset, Skillset, Peopleset Leadership