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Optimizing the Patient Experience to Enhance Healthcare Outcomes

January 13, 20249 min read

For many years as a healthcare leader, I have collected the comments from numerous patients and family members at the different facilities I have been fortunate to work and lead. Listening to the voice of the patient provides us the opportunity to improve. We always want to grow from those who seek and experience our care. We have surveys, letters, anecdotal conversations and spend many hours in discussions with our teams in how to enhance our patient satisfaction. We review by unit, we compare, we strategize, additional training ensues, further discussions, goals and incentives have been integrated, staffing levels are reviewed (always and continuously) along with recruitment, and further outside team and group discussions. Taking time outside of the everyday rush of our increasing demands, I attempt to personally compile patient comments. Recognizing that the patient thought it important enough to take the time to write about their thoughts and feelings regarding our care, I want to absorb their perspective. As we know, these comments are also often reflective of the voices of many others who did not take the time but nevertheless, felt the same way. I am sure you do the same, and I look for themes and areas that stand out for action to improve or celebrate. This provides the opportunity for insight into optimizing the patient experience to enhance our healthcare outcomes.

Create the Optimal Patient Experience
Every healthcare executive knows that the patient experience is critical for the success of their organization. Forgive me for stating the obvious, but in order to ensure outstanding outcomes as leaders, we must develop an effective approach which will make our patients’ visits smooth and enjoyable. When it comes to improving the quality of care for patients, there’s no better way than through patient experience. It is all about creating a positive and memorable experience for each patient from their first interaction with everyone in your organization until their final contact. It’s more than just providing good service; it’s about treating patients like individuals, connecting with them on an emotional level, and making sure they feel comfortable and respected.

As we move further and further into a technology-driven world, patient experiences in the healthcare sector are changing rapidly. In this ever-evolving industry, it is important for healthcare leaders to stay up to date with current trends and develop an ideal approach for the communities they serve. Again, this includes both the physical and emotional experience of each patient as they interact with your team.

Let’s look at how you can create a winning patient experience in your healthcare facility. Here are some tips for creating a positively, focused experience from the moment the patient and family members walk through the door.

Understand Your Patients

The best way to create a positive patient experience is to get to know your patients as individuals. Take time to understand their needs and preferences so that you can tailor their care accordingly. Ask questions like “What do you need from us?” or “What can we do to make this visit more comfortable for you?” This will show that you value their opinion and want them to have the best possible experience at your practice.

As a healthcare leader, just like you, I always take the time to read the comments from our patients received in surveys, online, or by letters. Please allow me to share some of the comments I have received from patients in past surveys which reinforces perspective:

“The registration desk person was warm and kind…”

“I have strong confidence in Doctor C. He always listens.”

“Pleasant people and comfortable setting. The person who worked with me was so nice and explained everything.”

“All the staff is friendly and helpful. I feel confident that I am getting the best care possible because everyone cares.”

“We got in quickly and the person conducting the test was very nice.”

“______ was great! Explained everything thoroughly and was very kind and caring. And so were the other nurses. They are the best.”

Focus on Communication

Communication is key to providing an excellent patient experience. Make sure to support the type of culture which creates an open dialogue between staff and patients so that any concerns or questions can be addressed quickly and effectively. Additionally, invest time into training staff members on how to communicate effectively with patients so they feel heard throughout the process; this could involve teaching them active listening skills or having them review potential questions beforehand so they know how best to respond when interacting with patients during office visits or via phone calls or email. The key priority here, ensure that all staff members are trained in proper communication techniques so that every interaction with a patient is satisfying and professional. Make sure clear expectations about appointments are established and follow up regularly with patients to ensure their needs are being met throughout their journey with you.

Patient Education

It is essential that patients understand their own care plans to make informed decisions about their well-being. Providing educational materials before appointments or even offering classes on specific health topics (i.e., disease management, nutrition) can help patients become more knowledgeable about their health so that they feel empowered throughout their journeys. Additionally, having employees available to answer questions or provide clarification on complicated topics can provide peace of mind for many anxious patients.

Empower Your Employees

Your employees are integral in creating a great patient experience, so make sure you empower them with the knowledge and resources they need to provide superior service. Provide ongoing training so that they stay up-to-date on the latest developments in healthcare services, technology, and customer service trends. Encourage employees to give feedback on what works well or what could be improved in terms of customer service and patient care. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to delivering a positive patient experience.                                                                                                             

Create a Positive Environment at Your Facility

The environment of your facility makes a huge difference in the quality of the patient experience. Patients want an atmosphere where they feel safe, relaxed, and respected. From the moment they enter your doors, patients should feel accepted and comfortable. To create this kind of environment, focus on creating a warm atmosphere where patients experience the positive welcoming from the moment they enter your facility, until the moment they leave. This starts with ensuring that your staff is friendly and helpful, but it also involves creating a visually appealing atmosphere that is inviting and calming. Consider adding artwork or plants throughout your facility, as well as providing music and other forms of entertainment in waiting areas. Invest in the comfortable furniture and inviting decor that makes patients feel at ease during their visit. Simple touches like these can go a long way in helping create an environment that encourages positive interactions between staff, patients, and family members.

Provide Information Easily Accessible

One of the biggest challenges patients encounter, is obtaining information they need. To make things simpler, provide stress-free access to medical advice from trusted sources online. This will help them get more information about their condition and make better decisions about their health. Additionally, ensure that you have a well-maintained website for your practice so patients can easily find important information such as contact details and insurance coverage options, quickly.

Offer Digital Solutions/Embrace Technology/Technology Integration

Modern technology can be a powerful tool for improving the patient experience. Digital solutions have become so commonplace in every other major industry, the expectations are increasingly high for healthcare today as well. Embracing technology will help improve the overall patient experience.

Technology makes it much easier for patients to access care when they need it most. Make sure you provide easy-to-use online tools such as appointment reminders, e-visits for remote consultations, telemedicine options for follow-up care, digital payment solutions, and more.  Furthermore, patient convenience is enhanced with booking appointments or ordering prescriptions online or even utilizing telehealth services, which allows physicians to remotely diagnose and treat patients without requiring them to come into a physical office or clinic. This makes it easier for individuals with limited mobility or those living in rural areas to access quality healthcare services without having to travel long distances.

Finally, by integrating technologies such as electronic medical records (EMR) systems and online appointment scheduling into daily practice, you minimize wait times and optimize efficiency during check-in processes. Technology can also help streamline communication between healthcare professionals, referrals, and other organizations that may be necessary in a patient’s care plan. As you a result, technology has completely changed the way healthcare is delivered. These solutions will not only make life easier for both patients and staff but also help streamline operations across the board so that everyone involved can benefit from improved efficiency.

Customer Service

No matter how advanced your technology or comprehensive your education programs are, if the customer service aspect of the patient experience is lacking then it could severely impact satisfaction levels among those who use your healthcare organization’s services. Make sure that every employee—from receptionists to providers—is friendly and professional when interacting with patients so that individuals feel valued every step of the way during their visits.

Flexible Scheduling & Accessibility Options

It's important to have flexible scheduling options available for those who have complex jobs or other commitments outside of work hours that might prevent them from coming in for an appointment during regular business hours; this could include early morning appointments, telehealth visits, etc. Having accessible payment options is also essential since not everyone has access to traditional banking services or credit cards; there should be multiple payment methods available in case one type does not work for a particular individual’s needs.        


Creating an ideal patient experience requires more than just providing excellent medical care—it doesn't have to be complicated; all you need are the right tools and techniques at your disposal. It involves considering every touchpoint along a person’s journey within your organization and doing what you can to ensure they have a positive outcome regardless of what brings them through the door (or onto the video call screens). In creating a positive environment at your facility, offering digital solutions, and emphasizing communication with all stakeholders involved in the process, you can take an ideal approach to the healthcare experience management that will lead to better healthcare outcomes overall. Furthermore, by embracing new integrative technology, educating patients on their care plans, providing helpful customer/patient service personnel, offering flexible scheduling & accessibility options, providing easy access to medical advice online, and utilizing the technologies that reduce wait times, you will be able to create an environment where individuals feel comfortable enough to choose and entrust you with their entire care needs. With these strategies in place, you will be well positioned for growth now and into the future! You have now crafted an ideal patient experience, every time.

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Rodney D Reider

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